Thursday, July 26, 2007

Launching Formula One social bookmarking site

Some of us have been Formula One fans for a very long time. Me, even before F1 even came to Indian TV screens. Even after watching Schumacher win again and again put me to sleep again and again.

So here is what we have got. A site for Formula One top news. In the social news and bookmarking format, a la Digg. That way this is a Digg for F1 news. Vote on stories, the stories that get the max votes make it the front page etc etc. And anyone can submit stories too.

The site is already in action, and content-wise, quite there. What we need now is active participants. People who get a kick out of finding the best F1 stories of the day, and submitting them to the site for other fans to read. Hope all our F1 fans are not couch potatoes!